Roma Jam Session art Kollektiv (RJSaK)
Roma Jam Session art Kollektiv (RJSaK) was founded by Mo Diener, RRMarki and Milena Petrovic in July 2013 in Zurich. The artist collective moves on different platforms (art, politics, theater, festivals, public spaces). Its performances formally developed from dada performances to Roma futuristic public performances as well as performance lectures and meditations. Today, RJSaK is focusing on aspects of relationality and futurity in living and non-living bodies via public performances as well as graphic expression, reflections and imaginations on the future of the Roma in an open Europe.

Since 2017, RJSaK has been working internationally. The collective’s latest life performance project was shown 2019 at the 58th Biennale di Venezia in the exhibition FutuRoma in the Roma Pavilion. CHROMA – The Future Is Roma – Let’s Pass The Mic To Europe was a futuristic performative choreography performed by a group of six very diverse individuals. The public was involved in a participative reading for a common Roma Future. In 2020, RJSaK was invited to perform online at the conference Contemporary Art Biennials – Our Hegemonic Machines in States of Emergency. This event was organized by onCurating – a journal edited by Ronald Kolb and Dorothee Richter – and was part of the Bucharest Biennale on-line program.

Currently Roma Jam Session art Kollektiv is working on its first publication called Morphing the Roma Label. It will be published in 2021.